

From Stadtwiki Baden-Baden

The Kurhauskolonnaden are two single-story rows of shops between the Kurhaus and the Reinhard-Fieser-Brücke, which run parallel to the Werderstraße. 20 very exclusive shops are housed here. The Kurhauskolonnaden have large canopies so that even in bad weather the guests can stroll along the shop windows. At the northwest corner of the Kurhauskolonnaden the concert stage Konzertmuschel is located.


During the construction of the old Promenadehaus, the predecessor of today's Kurhaus, in 1766, a chestnut avenua was created as a link between the city center and the Promenadehaus. Soon local dealers discovered this chestnut avenua as the ideal place to offer their goods to the affluent spa guests. In 1818 Friedrich Weinbrenner replaced the simple stands by timber stands. As part of the modernization of the spa district in 1867/1868 the Kurhauskolonnaden were errected and obtained their current appearance after the model of Parisian shopping arcades. These solid stone buildings were constructed according to plans by Carl Dernfeld.



  • Helmuth Bischoff Baden-Baden: Die romantische Bäderstadt im Tal der Oos. Kurbetrieb zwischen Casino, Park und Kloster. DuMont, Köln 1996, ISBN 3-7701-3086-3 p. 144 et seq.