Museum LA8
From Stadtwiki Baden-Baden
The Museum LA8 on arts and technics of the 19th century opened in April 2009. It is located in the Kulturhaus LA8 and is part of the Baden-Baden Museum Mile.
The exhibitions at the Museum LA8 explore the interaction of art and technology. Every 6 months a new themed exhibition is opened and handles a new topic from the "long" 19th Century which was especially important for Baden-Baden. According to the museum this approach is unique in the German museum landscape. Each exhibition is prepared in a preceding symposium.
The museum attaches special importance to the educational offerings. The "museum as a place of learning outside school" offers programs for school classes as well as for private groups and individuals.
The following list contains the official German titles and our translation:
- 21.09.2013 - 09.03.2014: Kindheit. Eine Erfindung des 19. Jahrhunderts (Childhood. An invention of the 19th century)
- 23.03.2013 - 01.09.2013: Typen mit Tiefgang. Heinrich Zille und sein Berlin (Arcane fellows. Heinrich Zille and his Berlin)
- 22.09.2012 - 03.03.2013: Der goldene Rhein. Ritterburgen mit Eisenbahnanschluss (The golden Rhine. Castles with railway access)
- 17.03.2012 - 02.09.2012: Afrika mit eigenen Augen. Vom Erforschen und Erträumen eines Kontinents. (Africa with one's own eyes. About exploring and dreaming up a continent.)
- 10.09.2011 - 26.02.2012: Kopf oder Zahl: Die Quantifizierung von allem im 19. Jahrhundert (Heads or tails: The quantification of everything in the 19th century)
- 09.04.2011 - 28.08.2011: Schöner. Wohnen. Damals. Die Erfindung der bürgerlichen Familie im 19. Jahrhundert (Living. Prettier. Back Then. The invention of the civil family in the 19th century)
- 18.09.2010 - 20.03.2011: Daumier und sein Paris. Kunst und Technik einer Metropole (Daumier and his Paris. Arts and technics of a metropolis)
- 27.03.2010 - 22.08.2010: Die Pyramide von innen. Die Entdeckung des Alten Ägypten im 19. Jahrhundert (The pyramid from within. The discovery of Egypt in the 19th century)
- 10.10.2009 - 07.03.2010: Licht Fangen. Zur Fotografie im 19. Jahrhundert (Catching light. About the photography in the 19th century)
- 09.04.2009 - 06.09.2009: Reisen. Ein Jahrhundert in Bewegung (Travelling. A century in motion)
Museums of the Museum Mile: Stadtmuseum | Museum Frieder Burda | Staatliche Kunsthalle | Museum LA8
Other museums: Brahmshaus | Kunstmuseum Gehrke-Remund | Fabergé Museum | Roman Bath Ruins | Reblandmuseum