Museum Frieder Burda
From Stadtwiki Baden-Baden
Museum Frieder Burda | |
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Building | |
Address | Lichtentaler Allee 8b
76530 Baden-Baden |
Architect | Richard Meier |
Construction Date | 2002
Contact Data | |
Phone | 07221 / 3 98 98-0 |
Fax | 07221 / 3 98 98-30 |
Official E-Mail | |
Website | [ Official Website]
Museumsinfo | |
Opening | 22.10.2004 |
Type | Expressionism |
Opening Times | Tue-Sun 10:00 - 18:00 |
Admission | 12 Euro
Wheelchair Accessible | yes |
Map | |
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The Museum Frieder Burda is a private collector's museum of the patron Frieder Burda. It is located between the Stadtmuseum and the Staatliche Kunsthalle in a section of the Lichtentaler Allee that is known as Baden-Baden's Museum Mile. Since the opening in October 2004 it attracts a great number of visitors. On 28th October 2009, the threshold of one million visitor was exceeded.
The building was designed by the famous New York architect Richard Meier. It is characterized by its clear structure and the use of light and glass. The 1000 square meters of exhibition space spread over three floors, which are connected by walk-ramps. The exterior facade is white, which is typical for buildings by Richard Meier. A glass bridge connects the Museum Frieder Burda with the nearby Staatliche Kunsthalle.
The new museum cost about € 20 million and was funded by the Frieder Burda Foundation. No public funds were used. The foundation also runs the museum.
Museums of the Museum Mile: Stadtmuseum | Museum Frieder Burda | Staatliche Kunsthalle | Museum LA8
Other museums: Brahmshaus | Kunstmuseum Gehrke-Remund | Fabergé Museum | Roman Bath Ruins | Reblandmuseum